Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royale 750ml
Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla is made with bittersweet Seville oranges to deliver a fruity and zesty taste, balanced with classic botanicals. It is inspired by an original recipe created by Charles Tanqueray in the 1860s, using Seville oranges to create a distinctly enjoyable yet complex taste. Flor de Sevilla is better served in a copa glass with premium tonic water, plenty of ice and with a wedge of orange to evoke the taste of the sun-soaked Mediterranean. Enjoy the delicious aroma of citrus fruits and orange zest, with tasting notes of juniper, orange, vanilla and spices. Give the gift of summer with Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla; Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla is the ideal gift, ready to evoke heady Spanish summer nights. Charles Tanqueray was an innovator and pioneer in pursuit of the world’s finer gin; his travels to the sun-soaked groves of Spain in the 1860s inspired the creation of a distinct gin liqueur using Seville oranges; this very recipe inspired Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla and its distinct bittersweet taste. However you enjoy it, it is Unmistakably Tanqueray.
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